Dr. Wangdo Kim

Universidad de Ingenieria y Tecnologia, Peru

Title: The knee proprioception as patient-dependent outcome measures within surgical and non-surgical interventions


Proprioception, the ability to perceive one's own actions, is not solely dependent on proprioceptors. Perceptual systems at the knee joint work together to achieve balance through synergies. However, surgical procedures like ACL reconstruction often rely on native anatomy, which may not accurately reflect the interaction between musculoskeletal tissues and biomechanical artifacts. Taking an affordance-based approach to design in evidence-based medicine (EBM) can provide valuable insights. EBM has been integrated into various healthcare disciplines, including occupational therapy, physiotherapy, nursing, dentistry, and complementary medicine. The design process can be understood in terms of the action possibilities offered by the biological environment. In ACL reconstruction, the goal is to optimize tibial tunnel placement while avoiding ligament impingement. Instead of solely minimizing roof impingement, we propose considering tibial tunnel placement as a means to constrain the target bounds based on positive affordance. We outline the steps for identifying measurable invariants in the knee proprioception system and present a mathematical framework for measuring outcomes within the knee. 


Wangdo Kim is a professor of Ingeniería Mecánica at Universidad de Ingenieria y Tecnologia – UTEC in Lima, Peru. He holds a BSc in mechanical engineering from Seoul National University and a Ph.D. from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA, USA. Throughout his career, he has conducted research at various institutions such as the Technical University of Lisbon, Biomechanics Laboratory, Portland State University, and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Kim has authored several books, including "Proprioception, Knee Surgery - Reconstruction and Replacement, and Research Trends and Challenges in Medical Science." His work has been published in various journals and magazines, including Bicycling Magazine, Biomechanics, Ecological Psychology, Golf Science, Yoga and Physiotherapy, and Sports Engineering. Kim has been married to Miwon Chung for 37 years and currently resides in Barranco, Lima, Peru.

His research focuses on exploring the connection between visual perception of one's own body in action and the accompanying proprioceptive information. This relationship plays a vital role in learning about the control of external events. Kim is currently developing a virtual reality (VR) environment to study motor skills acquisition. He found that the act of moving his hand in a glove while observing the representation of his hand and fingers moving in cyberspace created a strong connection between the internal and external worlds, akin to hooks or handles known as affordances..